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Welcome to One Spark Academy!
Where it only takes one spark to ignite a child’s desire to learn…
Relationships Matter
Watch this video to see and hear what we mean.
Mailing Address:
501-I S. Reino Rd. #296, Newbury Park, CA 91320
Physical Address for 2024-2025:
Conejo YMCA, 4031 N. Moorpark Rd., Thousand Oaks, 91360
Inspired Learning
One Spark Academy is a unique learning center for homeschooled or independent study students in 6th-8th-grade, with some classes available for 9th-12th. Our classes are small in size so that our instructors have time to be attentive, and so students have a relaxed atmosphere in which to think, ask questions, and learn things that matter. When children are active participants in their learning, what they learn becomes more relevant. Making learning relevant to the world around us is vital, as is providing a context-driven course of study. Context-driven lessons and activities allow students to recall and utilize what they know already, and apply that prior knowledge to new experiences. Thus, the learning and practice of basic, fundamental skills become part of the process, not the goal itself. As children and teens mature, they work toward the goal of being confident, participatory, socially responsible, and independent life-long learners.
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One Spark Academy provides an inclusive, flexible educational experience that combines current educational research, common sense, and attention to various needs and learning styles to move each child forward. Many of our courses involve interdisciplinary, project-based activities. Our educators incorporate the latest educational resources and online programs and find what works best for each learner while using as much or as little of a child’s homeschool course of study as each family desires. And, a dynamic, responsive learning environment is only possible when the student to adult ratio is dramatically lowered, so our small classroom size ranges from 5 to 14 participants, dependent on the subject and the needs of our participants in each class. We aim to help our students be inspired and engaged in their learning, putting them on a path to success in tomorrow’s world!
To learn more about the “nuts and bolts” of OSA, GO HERE.
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Social and Emotional Growth
The philosophy of One Spark Academy is based on the belief that children and teens learn best if the needs of the whole child are addressed. Quite simply, focusing on the whole child means we recognize that a child’s growth is about more than academics. It means a learning environment should be a safe place in which to take risks, ask questions, be playful and active, and engage with others. And, it means that social and emotional needs are considered daily. Think about this: can you concentrate when you are upset? Can you enjoy taking risks when you are afraid of what others think? And, how can one get to a place of self-confidence without authentic interactions and relationships in which to trust?
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We also believe that we truly learn about ourselves when faced with conflict. Conflict and struggle, both external and internal, are not experiences to be avoided (unless, of course, the conflict is a matter of physical or psychological safety, or is harming one’s emotional health), but rather embraced. OSA students are encouraged to search for the lesson when faced with conflict, to communicate effectively through the conflict, to reflect upon their place in the conflict, and to absorb the opportunity that now exists for growth. Each time an obstacle is successfully overcome, the learner grows internally stronger, more flexible in thinking and ability, and more adept to face both positive and negative experiences in the real world with humility, confidence, optimism, and integrity.
We practice many of these skills during daily Circle, which takes place M-TH from 10:30-10:45. During Circle, students practice empathy, turn-taking, mindfulness, and interpersonal communication while addressing various topics. Daily practice in Circle is a springboard for effective communication throughout the day, with family and peers outside of school, and with all others in a student’s ever-expanding community.
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Health and Wellness
A whole child education must ensure that the environment truly promotes good health. A healthy environment must include attention to safety, activity, mindfulness, and one area often overlooked in many educational settings: diet. We as an educational community can’t afford to ignore the quality of food we are asking children to put into their bodies, and we need everyone’s help and understanding to create a system where healthy eating is not only valued but looked forward to. When it comes to food, we believe that any program that promotes whole child education should not be doing so unless there is an authentic and dedicated effort to ensure that wholesome nutrition is valued by all members of the community, even if a group follows a variety of nutritional paths. After all, there are few things more instrumental in determining our health, wellness, and stamina than the fuel we put into our bodies.
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Further, our students’ physical wellness is addressed through downtime, playtime, and physical activity. We also ensure that they practice being mindful regarding their learning. As part of the Participant Agreement, we ask students to “unplug” from their devices while on-site, and instead focus on themselves, their learning, and their engagement with one another. The adults on-site actively engage with our students as well. We truly care about them and are glad to see them happy and healthy. Mutual care, respect, and kindness are qualities we encourage daily from all members of our community.
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Nature Connection
At One Spark Academy, we take our outdoor time seriously! Mother Nature is an excellent teacher and provides her lessons free of charge. Throughout the year, we offer local hikes and field trips, so our lungs can breathe deeply, our hearts can grow a bit stronger, and our senses can be filled with pleasures. Each Spring, we also offer a week-long adventure, either in the local mountains, Yosemite, or Washington’s Olympic Peninsula. We partner with NatureBridge to bring our students the most awesome, hands-on, and memorable experiences possible.
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Community Involvement
The classroom and the home must share common values for the educational process to be highly rewarding, which is why we hope our partnerships with homeschool families will be symbiotic. Parents are integral in our planning for students, and we appreciate the opportunity to communicate about their child’s goals, needs, and interests. Beyond our current families, we value the relationship we have with the broader community.
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“My youngest son Xander graduated Newbury Park High School in June 2020. He had attended One Spark Academy for three years, 6th through 8th grade. The decision to pull him out of public school and try something different was not an easy one, but in 5th grade he was struggling emotionally and socially. He did not enjoy school and every day was a struggle just to get him to go. So I enrolled him in One Spark Academy, not sure if it was the right choice at the time, and worried that I was not setting him up for success. Then I watched an amazing transformation in my son. From the start of the day, when Xander would walk in the door and get a hug, and the teachers would say “We are so glad you’re here”, to Circle time where he learned to listen to what his peers needed and express what he needed, to family style lunches and more. He loved the classes and the teachers and most of all, the family that he had at One Spark Academy. The trips to Yosemite and the Olympic Peninsula helped him learn coping skills, a love of the outdoors that has given him direction for college, and self confidence that it is okay to be who he is. When he graduated 8th grade, I was worried. He wanted to go to a traditional high school like his siblings, and I wasn’t sure if he was prepared academically or socially. Now, I look back and know that OSA prepared him to succeed. At One Spark Academy, he gained a sense of belonging, confidence, academic curiosity, and the understanding that he was going to be okay no matter what happened. I cannot express enough my gratitude to the entire staff at One Spark Academy. I can still see the effects of what my son gained from his time there. *As a side note, he graduated high school with a 4.2 GPA, received a 35 on his ACT and was accepted at every college to which he applied, with several offers of full ride scholarships.”
“Having the ability to be authentic and appreciated as yourself is by far one of life’s most crucial needs. One Spark Academy fosters an environment where your middle schooler is 100% secure in being themselves; both in personality and learning abilities. My children have flourished at OSA. Academics and real-life courses are available. Learning is engaging, fun, enlightening, and project based. My children looked forward to going to school every single day during their 3 years at OSA. I cannot thank OSA enough for all of the wonderful support and experiences that we had with them. For those thinking of alternate middle school solutions, OSA is the opportunity you’ve been looking for. You too can give your child the best middle school experience available, look no farther, One Spark Academy is the place.”
“I loved all the opportunities to try things from around the world, to bring in our own recipes, and to make those recipes. I will always hold on to the knowledge gained in Food Fascination.”
Challenging academics in a safe environment that gets the best out of students. Our son is thriving here. Students get exposed to not only “typical” courses — but some of the most innovative middle school courses we’ve found — Mapping the World by Heart, Romance Language History, Game Board Design. Learning once again became a passion for our child!
Thanks to One Spark Academy, I BELIEVE IN EDUCATION. My daughter Alison is thriving there and is sooooooooooooo happy to learn. I wish a recycled teenager like myself could enroll at OSA. But I truly am getting sparked thru my daughter and I love all the passionate teachers who truly care.
Diane LaDouceur – Proud Parent of an OSA student
One Spark Academy is a breakthrough in teaching children how to learn all kinds of subjects. Including academics, art, and music along with many other great subjects that most schools don’t provide. I recommend One Spark Academy to any parent wanting their children to thrive in multiple aspects of education.
At OSA, the academic teaching, personal attention and care were phenomenal! I’d never seen anything like it. All of Serena’s teachers paid close attention to the various dynamics going on with the kids, both educational and social, which is very important to me, especially during middle school years.
At One Spark, our teenager’s passion for learning, and his desire to be with similarly passionate kids and teachers, was rewarded. Students there are given the tools and opportunities for learning, and have the ability to ask how they can take their education to the next level. One Spark offers a lot of hands on learning (yes, that includes writing hands too).
We have really fun classes. In science, we do something new and interesting each week, such as building models that involve the lesson that day, or doing a creative hands-on experiment. Another really engaging class is math, because we really learn in depth. Students can collaborate and help each other understand challenging concepts that the teachers have explained.
Their passion fueled our son’s academic interests in favourite courses and ignited his interest in several new fields. Our family is forever indebted to these wonderful people for the kindness they showed us. Their loving guidance confirmed that academic inspiration and emotional growth – the nurturance of both head and heart – make for rich pedagogical experiences.