Registration at One Spark Academy
for 2024-2025

This form is for requesting tours and/or enrollment for 2024-2025. 

Students are accepted for enrollment throughout the year pending availability. Our Calendar page lists the current dates for our four Sessions and breaks, including registration windows.

For 2024-2025, the following students have priority:
  • There are currently 3-4 spots for full-time enrollment available, depending on grade level and math level. Full-time enrollment is scheduling equivalent to at least three full days.
  • Part-time placement (or single courses) are currently available after lunch (1:30-4:00) or Fridays only. All other requests for part time placement will be waitlisted.
  • Students who have met immunization requirements (there are currently no available spots for students requesting immunization waivers, but families may request that their child be added to a wait list);
To request registration for 2024-2025, first fill out the following form:

2024-2025 Student Registration Request / Waitlist

Families will be contacted in the order received should spaces in courses of interest be available. Priority is available for 6th graders wanting full-time placement.
    Check all that apply.
    One Spark Academy follows the general requirements for CA schools, but allows for up to 10% of its student body to be non-immunized for any reason. Often, students who are partially-immunized or "catching up" are granted a spot more easily. Typically, there are fewer available spots at the start of the year than later in the year, as our enrollment grows. You may request that your child be added to a wait list for a non-immunized spot. PLEASE NOTE: Beyond the general vaccine requirements, the VCDPH and CDC recommend that all children receive the most current COVID-19 vaccines and boosters. This vaccine, as with the annual influenza vaccine, is recommended but not required at this time.
  • If there are specific courses on our schedule that you would like, please request them here. You may also provide any other information, such as preferred days, or schedule limitations. You will be notified as soon as possible as to your child's registration status.

Nuts and bolts:

  1. Priority: Priority for each session is given to students who were enrolled the previous session. Priority is also given to full-time students, or those committing to our full year courses, which have limited space. Students coming 4-5 days a week and/or who are on our Flex Plan are considered “full time”.
  2. Get involved! Sign up for our monthly newsletter, come to events, and follow us on FaceBook. This helps ensure that prospective families are “in the loop” for upcoming events and feel confident in the program’s mission.
  3. Parent Information Meetings: At least one parent should attend our Fall Parent Information Meeting held in June, or a private tour if joining mid-year. Online meetings can be arranged. Parent Information Meetings will include important details about the coming year, registration procedures, and more.
  4. FAQs:
    1. What if I don’t get a pre-registration spot? Can I still enroll? YES! We often have students enroll at the last minute, mid-year, or even in the last session if spots are available. However, full-time spots with your student’s first choice courses may not be available after the summer. 
    2. Who can pre-register? As a general rule, we only will accept pre-registration deposits if we’ve met your child, if you’ve toured our program, and/or if you have attended a meeting or are registered to attend the meeting in June. This ensures a higher likelihood that everyone is happy with their decision.
    3. What if I just want to take a few classes, or just have enrichment? No problem. We will have more spots available in enrichment classes than we have in our full year courses.
    4. What if I’m not sure what math class my child needs? We leave a little wiggle room for moving kids around should math placement require it. We will assess students in math in August, and make adjustments if needed. We also may request work samples.
    5. When do I submit registration paperwork? All paperwork is collected after General Registration opens in August, or upon registration. Paperwork is updated annually. 
    6. Do you provide scholarships? No, not officially. We don’t charge for registration the fair value to run our program; we rely on generous support from our community to help meet the difference. However, we do our best to help families in need once they are in our program, by offering a spot in a class that has room, or by providing assistance for special programs. We ask that families who have the means to donate annually to our program, so that we can maintain low annual registration fees.