The Participant Agreement is to be reviewed and signed by the student. Please ensure your student has a copy in their study area and reviews the agreement periodically. Thank you!

Dear Participant,

Welcome to One Spark Academy! We hope you’ll find an environment that is inclusive, safe, healthy, and positive, but we need YOUR help to achieve this. Please review the following expectations, and then let us know you understand this agreement AND will follow these expectations to the best of your ability*.

  • I will use considerate and respectful language and gestures around others while in class (on site, outdoors, or online) and when engaged in any OSA-sponsored activities. My actions and words will contribute to a calm, safe, and enjoyable learning/working environment for students and adults. If my choices disrupt the learning and safety of others, I will make a concerted effort to resolve the situation in a timely manner.
  • I will follow any requests by instructors, supervisory staff, or parent volunteers to collaborate respectfully, stay on task, work quietly and/or productively, and/or stay in a certain location.
  • I will follow all COVID safety policies and expectations that One Spark Academy adheres to.
  • I will be safe. I will not run inside buildings, through walkways, or up/down the stairwells unless given permission to do so (like in PE class). I will not loiter in the restrooms. I will inform my instructor if I am leaving the classroom and/or required area of instruction.
  • I will be prepared for my classes and contribute to a positive, productive learning environment for all.
  • I agree to “unplug”. To connect with others and focus on my learning, I will avoid personal use of my technology (texting, phone calls, Internet browsing, gaming, etc.) during the instructional day 9:00-4:00 (or when my classes are over), unless my instructors and/or supervisors approve such use. During any class and lunchtime, my phone will be OFF and preferably left in my backpack (unless an expected call is prearranged with my instructor). I will use the Internet safely and for instructional purposes while on site. I will similarly use my own personal devices responsibly, if such use is appropriate and inclusive (sharing music, pictures, contact information, etc.). Please note: Instructors retain the right to collect personal devices if they are a distraction to the student and/or our learning environment, or if technology is used unsafely.
  • I will wear appropriate clothing for the day. My clothing will not aim to distract or offend individuals, genders, or a cultural group. If in PE or playing other sports, I understand athletic clothing and shoes are required to participate. Jeans may not be worn in PE classes.
  • I will use the assigned play area during scheduled breaks, or before 9:00 and after my classes are over. I agree to not play on campus during OSA hours in an area where there is no supervision and/or is not authorized. If I am waiting for pick up any time after my classes are over, I will wait in the assigned area/s.
  • I will respect OSA’s commitment to healthy habits by making a commitment to my own health! If I am not eating what OSA provides for snack and/or lunch, I will bring a healthy snack and lunch and eat them at the appropriate times. I will not bring soda, fast food, candy bars, snack bags of chips, or similar junk foods on site. Home-baked or similar treats in moderation are fine, if accompanied by a healthy lunch.
  • If I am onsite when the Community Circle is taking place, I will join the Community Circle.
  • I will be mindful of the waste I create, whether it is food, materials, bags, and/or plastic water bottles.
  • I will assist with set up and clean up in the area where I’ve been working, whether it is for class, after break, after lunch, or after class.
  • I will do my best to not leave my personal belongings in the classrooms overnight. I will check to make sure I have my belongings before leaving the campus.

*We reserve the right to deny services to anyone whose choices infringe upon the rights of any other participant to enjoy their learning at One Spark Academy as it was intended.